What Can You Do to Prepare Your Child for Primary School Year 1?

What Can You Do to Prepare Your Child for Primary School Year 1?

1. Establish and Maintain a Regular Routine

Parents may explain the daily routine to them: Mondays to Fridays are spent in school and family activities take place on weekends. You can plan a timetable with your child and explain daily routine with them.

For example, what time they should go to bed and wake up in the morning, what time will they be in school and who will look after them after school (child care/family members/helpers), when they should do their homework, and when is their playtime.
Establish and Maintain a Regular Routine
Keep using the same routine so that they get familiar to it. Such structure gives them comfort. This is also a good opportunity to teach them how to tell time on an analogue clock, given that most primary schools use it in their classrooms.

2. Communicate and Emotional Support Your Child

Open communication between you and your child can help to alleviate a lot of worries that they are going through. Parents can share your childhood stories or even experiences from your school days with your child. You can show them photos, report card, exam transcripts and even uniform.
Make it interesting for your child so that they look forward to their new journey – making new friends, ordering food from the canteen, borrowing books from their own school library, and etc.

Communicate and Emotional Support Your Child

When Primary School begins, children are often excited to talk about their new experiences. Hence, parents have to be ready to lend a listening ear to share in with their excitement. Parents are highly encouraged to take initiative to invite your child to share about their day, if they did not talk about their new school.

3. Teach Your Child Some Important Life Skills and Learning to be Independent

Prepare your child to be independent. For instance, they have to learn to clean themselves after passing motion, know how to order food from a stranger (with clarity), develop new friendships, encourage your child to raise his/her hands to ask for help/questions in class when he/she needs help, understand that he/she needs to follow rules and instructions in school, take ownership for homework and belongings, managing their money, and many more!
Teach Your Child Some Important Life Skills and Learning to be

4. Getting Familiar with the Primary School’s Layout

It is important to bring your child to attend their primary school orientation day. With your child, take this time to have a look at the school’s garden, canteen, assembly hall, library, special rooms and other dedicated spaces to get them excited for their new big school.
Getting Familiar with the Primary School’s Environment

5. Setting Goals and Expectations with Your Child

Parents can discuss and set goals and expectations of the year with your child, in terms of academic, health, hobbies and relationships.
For example, read 2 – 5 books in a month, play sports games with friends and family on a weekly basis, grow taller by 5cm – 6cm this year, gain 2kg every year, or even get to know two new friends in the first week of school.
Setting Goals and Expectations with Your Child

6.Transportation and After School Care

Besides that, you have to make proper arrangement for your child’s transportation to and fro between home and the school.
It is best to clarify the timing to drop off your child and pick them up, as well as finding out more information about specific waiting location(s).
If there are nobody at home to care for your child after school, parents may consider to send them to their grandparents, caregiver’s home or a student care centre.
Different locations will affect your transportation arrangement.
Transportation for after school care

Getting yourself and your child ready for new schooling adventure can be fun and exciting.

Children fun and exciting adventures.

We wish you all the best in preparing your child and hopefully it will be a smooth transition without hustle and tears.


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